Whole Church PBE

Whole Church PBE

You are invited to join the Cicero Pathfnder Bible Experience team, the “Cicero Scribes,” for a local quiz event on Sabbath April 15 at 2:00 p.m. (afer potluck). This will be fun and informal! To participate, create a team of 3-6 people (perhaps members of your family or Sabbath School class)—this is open to all ages. Choose a team name and register your team by sending your team name and the number of members to David Currier (kc5if@gmail.com). Read through and study the book of John to prepare. If you wish, you may also check out the section from the Andrews Bible Commentary that the PBE team has been studying: https://pbeacademy.com/fles/PBE_2023_Study_Guide.pdf