Elementary School Board

Elementary School Board

Each school board member is appointed for his/her vision, commitment to Adventist education, and willingness to give time and talents toward the Godly education of young people. Each board member is to take his/her position seriously and to constantly work toward achieving the best possible school building, curriculum, student body, and influence in the community.

School board members individually affect the vitality of the school board as a whole, and each member needs to do the following:

  1. Plan to attend every school board meeting, only being absent due to unavoidable circumstances.
  2. Make on-time attendance of board meetings a top priority.
  3. Implement the policies of the union and conference.
  4. Assist in developing policies and procedures of local interest.
  5. Participate in the day-to-day running of the school. For example: handbook creation/editing; form creation/editing; discipline issues; enrollment decisions; curriculum development; organization of volunteers; setting priorities on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
  6. Create/maintain governing bylaws and constitution for the school.
  7. Provide support to the teaching staff. It is the responsibility of the school board to support and uphold the teaching staff in the organization and administration of the school. The board shhttp://sdachurch.solidvapor.net/mmt/job-descriptions/elementary-school-board/all make clear to all patrons of the school that no one has the prerogative to approach a teacher and question his/her professionalism. The school board stands ready to hear legitimate school concerns as long as:
    1. The patron has first calmly discussed the issue with the teacher and has been unable to resolve the problem, and
    2. (If the school has a Principal who is not the teacher at issue), the patron has calmly discussed the issue in a meeting with both the teacher and the Principal. If the teacher at issue is also the Principal, then the school board should be approached about the conflict.
    3. Patrons will be given a limited time period in which to make their concerns known during a board meeting.
  8. Overtly seek to follow the peacemaking model and maintain a cohesive working environment with all school board members.
  9. Work with the Home & School Association for development and enrichment of the school program and educational/recreational enhancements.
  10. Participate in the hiring process for conference hires (teachers) and local hires (janitorial, secretary, etc.)
  11. Participate in the process of school evaluation as scheduled by the conference office of education or regional accrediting agencies.
  12. Oversee the school’s internet website.
  13. Create the school calendar in cooperation with the conference office of education.
  14. Approve school functions/trips.
  15. Be “first volunteers” for manual work projects at the school. For example: landscaping, renovation, cleaning, organization of workbees.
  16. Oversee subcommittees of the board. For example: Recruiting Committee, Finance Committee, Website Content Committee, Alumni Weekend Committee, Facility Maintenance Team
  17. Review/approve monthly financial reports.
  18. Cooperate with the union and conference office of education in curriculum development.
  19. Follow generally accepted parliamentary procedures during meetings.
  20. Visit the school occasionally in order to encourage the teaching staff and express appreciation for what is observed in the classroom. This is a means of becoming personally acquainted with the school, its work, and its needs. This is not a time for evaluation of the teacher(s) or the teaching process. Teacher evaluation is the responsibility of the conference education superintendent.
  21. Act on pupil application. All applications are to be made through the Principal’s office and are acted upon by the school board. The school board will meet to consider all applications for admission to the school. No pupil’s registration is final until the school board has approved it.
  22. Develop/implement a marketing/recruitment plan for the school.
  23. Read books/resource materials given to board members by the school board chairperson.
  24. Implement conference board of education guidelines for the admission of non-Seventh-day Adventist pupils.
  25. Appoint additional subcommittees as needed.
  26. Actively prepare for regularly-scheduled board meetings by reading preparatory material supplied by the board chairperson.
  27. Exercise complete confidentiality and discretion with regard to information shared during a school board meeting.
  28. Actively participate in board meetings and always promote Adventist education.